There’s something exhilarating about hitting the road with nothing but a rough idea of where you’ll end up. That’s exactly what I experienced during a recent adventure, scooting around the island of Bali. I set out on the journey with no fixed plans, no rigid schedules, and most thrilling of all, no idea where I’d lay my head each night. It was a trip that took me far outside my comfort zone and taught me profound lessons about the known, the unknown, and the growth that happens when we embrace both.
As I rode along winding roads, lush greenery, and through bustling local villages, I felt a deep sense of freedom. Without a clear destination, I was forced to let go of my need for control. Instead of overplanning, I learned to flow with whatever the day brought, trusting that everything I needed would be revealed in its own time. It’s in those moments—when we push ourselves beyond our comfort zones and lean into the unknown—that real growth happens. The beauty of the unknown is that it stretches us, revealing capabilities we never realized we had.
But of course, embracing the unknown is not always a smooth ride. Sometimes, the challenges feel overwhelming, and your mind can conjure up all sorts of fears and “what ifs.” One night during the trip, this became all too real for me.
We were staying in a little guesthouse by the ocean, and a heavy storm rolled in. The sound of the rain hammering against the roof mixed with the relentless crashing of the waves just outside our window. The roar was deafening, and in the darkness of our room, I couldn’t see what was happening outside. My mind started racing. The anxiety set in, my imagination running wild with fears about how bad the storm might actually be. Was the ocean flooding? Was the roof secure enough to hold up under the force of the storm?
For what felt like hours, I sat there in the dark, caught in the grip of fear—fear of what I couldn’t see, fear of the unknown.
Finally, something inside me shifted. I realized that hiding under the covers, letting my imagination amplify the situation, wasn’t going to help. I got up, walked over to the doors, and flung them open. And what I saw outside was nothing like what my mind had made it out to be. Yes, the rain was pouring down, and the waves were loud, but it wasn’t the catastrophic scene I had imagined. In fact, it was oddly peaceful—the ocean doing what it always does, the rain cleansing the land, and nothing was as terrifying as I had thought. The reality of the situation was far more manageable than the fear I had allowed to consume me.
This moment reminded me that while leaning into the unknown is a vital part of living a created life, sometimes it’s just as important to check what's on the other side of the door. Our fears, especially those about things we can’t fully see or understand, often loom larger in our minds than they do in reality. The unknown is not always as daunting as it appears, and sometimes all it takes is a little curiosity and courage to see it for what it truly is.
Lessons from the Journey
Leaning Into the Unknown Brings GrowthEvery mile I rode on that scooter was a step into the unknown, and with every step, I discovered more about myself. I realized how much I was capable of when I let go of the need for certainty and control. Whether it’s a physical journey or an internal one, stepping into unfamiliar territory pushes us to expand and evolve in ways that wouldn’t happen if we stayed within the limits of what we already know.
Our Minds Can Be Our Biggest ObstaclesThat stormy night by the ocean was a powerful reminder that sometimes, our minds create fears much larger than the reality of the situation. When we allow ourselves to sit in the dark, imagining worst-case scenarios, we give fear unnecessary power. Opening the door, literally or metaphorically, can reveal that things aren’t as bad as we feared.
Balance the Known and the UnknownAs much as we grow by embracing the unknown, it’s also important to check in with reality from time to time. Sometimes, we need to ground ourselves in what’s real and tangible, especially when our fears start to spiral. Facing what’s on the other side of the door gives us perspective and reminds us that most things are manageable, once we confront them.
Trust the Journey, Even When You Don’t Have All the AnswersWhen we don’t know exactly where we’re going or how we’ll get there, it’s easy to let fear dictate our actions. But when we trust in the journey and lean into the experience, we often find that everything we need will come in time. The unknown becomes a space for discovery, not danger.
Courage Is in the Small StepsIt wasn’t easy to get up and open those doors when I was feeling anxious, but that small act made all the difference. Courage doesn’t always look like grand, heroic actions; sometimes it’s as simple as being willing to face what scares us. And in those moments of courage, we often find the answers or the peace we were seeking all along.
That night, scooting through the island of Bali and facing the storm by the ocean taught me that life is full of unknowns, but they don’t have to hold us back. In fact, they’re the very things that help us grow, if we’re willing to open the door and see them for what they are. So here’s to embracing the unknown, trusting ourselves, and discovering new possibilities on the other side of fear.